
Logging has threatened wildlife and displaced native communities

From forest to finance: How carbon credits mask ecological destruction

Jeyakumar Devaraj — It is high time for environmental NGOs and concerned individuals to push strongly back against false corporate-driven ‘solutions’.
AI robot

The AI craze

Marty Hart-Landsberg — The AI craze has gone on long enough for us to start drawing some plausible conclusions about where it is leading.

Susan Price (Socialist Alliance, Australia): Capitalism is incompatible with preventing catastrophic climate change

Susan Price — To say “Capitalism kills” is not hyperbole. Capitalism is simply incompatible with life on Earth.

Jess Spear (RISE, Ireland): Capitalism kills — The case for ecosocialism

Jess Spear — We need to place an understanding of the ecological crisis at the centre of what we are doing. We are not just ecosocialists when we are campaigning about the environment and socialists the rest of the time.
Canadian wildfires

Feeling the heat: Capitalism and global warming

Marty Hart-Landsberg — Global carbon dioxide emissions (the main cause of global warming) continue to rise. Yet, we have seen only modest attempts to bring emissions down.
Kenyatta Ngusilo (C), a member of the Ogiek community, watches as his storehouse burns in Sasimwani Mau Forest, 2023. Hundreds of Ogiek people were left homeless after the Kenyan government evicted alleged encroachers.

Laundering carbon — The Gulf’s ‘new scramble for Africa’

Adam Hanieh — As the world’s largest exporters of crude oil and liquified natural gas, the Gulf states are reconfiguring their relationships with Africa via carbon offset projects, a shift that will have significant consequences for the trajectories of our warming planet.
olkets Klimamarch is held in Copenhagen before the upcoming EU Parliament elections on Sunday 2 June 2024.

More than just an electoral upwind? Nordic left-wing parties after the EU elections

Record results for (Centre-)Left parties in the Nordic countries, with far-right parties losing ground. Ada Regelmann gives a sober assessment of the European elections results in Denmark, Finland and Sweden.
Construction workers in Marbella, Spain. Photo by Chris Gold. Used under CC license 2.0.

Green class struggle: Workers and the Just Transition

Gareth Dale — A resilient history of workers’ initiatives overcoming redundancies, alongside recent activist, trade-union and workforce collaborations, provide concrete examples for empowered just transitions.
PLM protest climate

Partido Lakas ng Masa (The Philippines): Enough false climate solutions, it’s time for an ecosocialist alternative!

PLM believes that the path towards a rapid, equitable, and just transition to renewable energy cannot be found in the false solutions promoted by domestic and foreign capitalists from the fossil fuels industry.
Jason Hickel

Jason Hickel: Climate, energy and natural resources

Jason Hickel — Ecological breakdown is being driven by the capitalist economic system, and – like capitalism itself – is strongly characterized by colonial dynamics.
red and green

Fourth International: Draft manifesto of revolutionary Marxism in the age of capitalist ecological and social destruction

Fourth International — An ecosocialist society is needed, and can be achieved only through a revolution. This manifesto tries to assess the best ways and means towards this aim.

Global crisis, conflict and war: What internationalism for the 21st century?

Pierre Rousset provides an overview of the unfolding “polycrisis” the world is immersed in.

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