
Applying/misapplying Gramsci’s passive revolution to Latin America
Steve Ellner — A distinction needs to be made between critical support for the Pink Tide and the passive revolution analysis that gets translated into frontal opposition to those governments.

Venezuela’s presidential elections: Attempted coup or fraud? An interview with Reinaldo Iturriza
Reinaldo Iturriza looks at the competing — and inadequate — narratives surrounding Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election.

Peace, Peace! But in Colombia, there is no peace
James Patrick Jordan - Advocates for peace and justice around the world were thrilled to hear the proposal by Colombian president Gustavo Petro for a Total Peace Plan, an effort that was promptly approved by Congress. The plan is ambitious and deserves our support.
Winners, losers and human rights abusers in Colombia’s National Strike

By James Patrick Jordan,
Colombia: After the social explosion of November 2019

By Daniel Libreros C
When feminism sets the political agenda