Venezuela: A chavisták vitája többről szól a pragmatisták és radikálisok nézeteltérésénél
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Federico Fuentes megvizsgálja a chavizmuson belüli, a bolivári projekt gazdasági irányvonalára vonatkozó vitákat, amelyek a korábbi tervezési miniszter, Jorge Giordani a Maduro-adminisztrációval szemben nyilvánosan megfogalmazott kritikái után indultak el.
2014. július 22 -- Latin-Amerika Társaság -- Az Hugo Chávez kormányában a leghosszabb ideig szolgált miniszter által jegyzett, és a venezuelai elnök, Nicolás Maduro kormányával szemben nagyon kritikus dokumentum példátlan vitát váltott ki a venezuelai forradalmárok között.
Jorge Giordani nagyot robbantott azután, hogy június 18-án leváltották a tervezési miniszteri posztról. Ezt megelőzően már felmentették a Venezuelai Központi Bank, és az állami olajvállalat, a PDVSA vezetőségéből is. Ezeket a pozíciókat 1999 óta, Chávez első elnöksége óta megszakítás nélkül töltötte be.
Sok tekintetben Giordani volt a Chávez-kormány gazdaságpolitikájának főépítésze, és a kormányban az ortodoxabb marxista vonal képviselője.
Leváltását úgy állítják be, mint ami bizonyíték a kormányon belüli pragmatisták és radikálisok közötti szakadék kiszélesedésére.
Venezuela: Thousands debate socialist congress proposals
An activist with the Baruta Battle Unit Bolivar-Chavez (UBCh).
Venezuela and Chile: Election wins advance left agenda
Michele Bachelet won a resounding victory in the Chilean presidenti
Venezuela: Chavistas celebrate important victory in municipal elections
By Ewan Robertson, Caracas
Venezuela: Revolution brings substantial improvements to working-class neighbourhoods
Hillside barrios in Caracas.
Publicity for the congress, which declares: “neither capitalists nor bureaucrats, all power to the working class”.
By Ewan Robertson, Mérida
June 24, 2013 -- – Activists from across the Venezuelan labour movement met June 21-23, 2013, for the country’s first ever "workers’ congress", where workers discussed workplace democracy and the construction of socialism.
The congress, billed “First Workers’ Congress: Balance and Challenges of Worker Control and Workers’ Councils for the Construction of Socialism”, was organised by the National Worker Control Movement and saw the participation of more than fifty groups from factories across the country.
Political and union organisations were also present, including radical activists from the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the trade union current of the Communist Party (PCV) and representatives of leftist union confederation, the National Union of Workers (Unete).
Venezuela: Reaffirmation, warning and encouragement for the revolution
On April 3, Nicolas Maduro visited Merida state.
Venezuela: Imperialism prepares fascist movement to defeat revolution
A PSUV office in Anzoategui torched on March 15, part of a coord
Solidarity protest in Sydney, April 19, 2013, organised by the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network. Photos by Peter Boyle.
By Ewan Robertson, Mérida, Venezuela
April 19 2013 -- –- Nicolas Maduro was sworn in as Venezuela's president for the constitutional period 2013–2019 today, promising to continue Hugo Chavez’s legacy and spearhead “a revolution of the revolution”.
In the National Assembly in Caracas, Maduro took his presidential oath before assembly president Diosdado Cabello.
“I swear by the whole people of Venezuela, by the supreme commander [Hugo Chavez], that I will abide by and make respected the constitution of the laws of the republic ... to construct an independent, free and socialist nation for all”, Maduro declared.
PSUV election rally. Photo by Tamara Pearson/Venezuelanalysis.
The Venezuelan people have spoken: Nicolas Maduro is president
End the opposition violence! Respect the democratic process!
No US-backed intervention in Venezuela!
The Venezuelan people have spoken: Nicolas Maduro is president
End the opposition violence! Respect the democratic process!
No US-backed intervention in Venezuela!
April 17, 2013 -- The Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network joins with all those voices for democracy and peace to call for an immediate end to the opposition-initiated violence now occurring in Venezuela.
On April 14, a majority of Venezuelans voted for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela’s (PSUV) presidential candidate Nicolas Maduro. In doing so, they voted to continue the Bolivarian revolution previously led by Hugo Chávez.
Venezuela has one of the most transparent and secure voting systems in the world and the presidential elections were, according to all independent observers, free, fair and constitutional. The election result must be respected.