(Updated Oct. 2) Coup attempt in Ecuador defeated; Chavez led condemnation; Correa: 'I'm not going to give up'
* * * STOP PRESS* * *
UPDATED September 30, 10pm (Ecuador time): Troops loyal to Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa have freed him from the military hospital where he was previously held hostage by right-wing coup police. He is now addressing a large number of triumphant supporters gathered at the Plaza of Independence in Quito who are chanting: "El pueblo unido jamás... será vencido!"
Triumphant Correa addresses the nation
Quito, September 30 – Prensa Latina -- After being rescued by elite soldiers from the Metropolitan Police Hospital, where he had been sequestered, Ecuador's President Rafael Correa triumphantly addressed the nation from the balcony of the Presidential Palace.
A cheering crowd of thousands of people gathered in front of the palace in downtown Quito to express their support for the Ecuadorian leader, who blamed the aborted coup on the evil machinations of "known conspirators".
Amid chants of "Lucio murderer", Correa charged opponent and former president Lucio Gutierrez with plotting the coup and inciting part of the police to insubordination.
Gutierrez is the head of the opposing conservative Patriotic Society Party that has been held responsible for being behind the plot and the coup attempt.
The events began in the morning with hundreds of police officers revolting and carrying out disorderly actions in Quito and other cities under the pretext of protesting a law, passed September 29, that cuts benefits and eliminate perks for public servants.
He was sequestered at Quito's police hospital where he was taken for treatment after he twisted the leg which he had recently undergone surgery. He injured the leg when he was attacked with tear gas after attempting to talk to the insubordinate police officers at their main headquarters in the capital.
"We came this morning, as our custom is, to talk and explain what we wanted to do, because no one has supported the police nor has raised their salaries so much as this government", he told the crowd. "And after seeing the reaction of a group of them, I felt betrayed."
He added that those responsible for the coup attempt will be punished.
After thanking all of his supporters and the soldiers for their loyalty and courage in the rescue operation, Correa said he had just lived through the saddest day of his government by seeing how Ecuadorian brothers had uselessly spelt their blood.
He also thanked "profoundly" the thousands of Ecuadorians who peacefully came unarmed to rescue him from the clinic, the presidential body guards and the ministers who were with him, "all willing to die if it was necessary".
President Correa also thanked the many countries and organisations that had conveyed their support for him and his government.
Before closing his emotional speech, he called on the people to unite to beat the conspirators and push ahead the citizens' revolution.

Coup underway in Ecuador
By Eva Golinger, Caracas
September 30, 2010 – Postcard from the Revolution from via Green Left Weekly – A coup attempt is underway against the government of President Rafael Correa. On Thursday, September 30, morning, groups of police forces rebelled and took over key strategic sites in Quito, Ecuador’s capital. President Correa immediately went to the military base occupied by the police leading the protest to work out a solution to the situation. The police protesting claimed a new law passed on September 29 regarding public officials would reduce their benefits.
Nonetheless, President Correa affirmed that his government has actually doubled police wages over the past four years. The law would not cut benefits but rather restructure them.
The law was used as an excuse to justify the police protest. But other forces are behind the chaos, attempting to provoke a coup led by former president Lucio Guitierrez, who was impeached by popular revolt in Ecuador in 2005.
“This is a coup attempt led by Lucio Guitierrez”, denounced Correa on September 30 afternoon via telephone. Correa was attacked by the police forces with tear gas. "Kill me if you need to. There will be other Correa's", said the president, addressing the police rebellion. He was hospitalised shortly after at a military hospital, which has now been taking over by coup forces. As of 1pm September 30, police forces were attempting to access his hospital room to possibly assassinate him.
Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño called on supporters to go to the hospital to defend Correa and prevent his assassination. Military forces took over an air base in Quito to prevent air transit and took over nearby streets to prevent Correa's supporters from mobilising towards the hospital. Other security forces took over the parliament, preventing legislators from accessing the state institution and causing severe chaos and violence.
Thousands of supporters filled Quito’s streets, gathering around the presidential palace, backing Correa and rejecting the coup attempt.
At 2pm, the Ecuadorian government declared an emergency state.
Countries throughout the region expressed support for Correa and condemned the destabilisation. The Organization of American States in Washington called an emergency meeting at 2:30pm. ALBA nations and UNASUR are also convening.
Ecuador is a member of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas (ALBA) and a close ally of Venezuela. Last June, Honduras, a prior ALBA member, was victim of a coup d'etat that forced President Manuel Zelaya from power. The coup was backed by Washington. In 2002, Venezuela was also subject to a Washington-backed coup d'etat that briefly ousted President Chavez from power. He was returned to office within 48 hours after millions of Venezuelans protested and defeated the US-backed coup leaders.
Ecuador is the newest victim of destabilization in South America.
USAID channels millions annually into political groups against Correa that could be behind the coup attempt.
Take action
Sydney – emergency protest against the coup in Ecuador
Friday October 1, 4.30pm, outside Ecuadorian consulate, 30 Clarence St, Sydney (near Wynyard station). More information Federico Fuentes 0412556527, Victor Hugo 0425 324 624 or Lisa 0413 031 108. Called by the Latin America Social Forum.
Call the US embassy in Canberra to tell the State Department and the White House to make a statement that the US will cut off all military, police and development aid to Ecuador if the coup is carried to completion.
Call Australia's Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd on 02 6277 7500 or email him at Kevin.Rudd.MP@aph.gov.au to call on the Australian government to denounce the coup, and to call on the US government and the United Nations Security Council to do the same.
United States
Contact Senators and members of the House of Representatives:
Contact the State Department:
Fax: 202-647-0834, voice: 202 647-4000 or email: Maria Otero, Under
Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs, c/o Laura Pena
Dr Arturo Valenzuela, Assist. Sec. of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs: ValenzuelaAA@state.gov and WHAAsstSecty@State.gov ; ambassador Craig Kelly, Principal Deputy Asst./ Secretary, Western Office of Hemisphere Affairs: KellyC@state.gov (fax: 202-647-0834).
Contact the White House:
http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact and White House Comment Line 202-456-1414.
Real News Network report, October 1, 2010, with Gregory Wilpert, from Venezuelanalysis.com
Chavez condemns attempted coup in Ecuador
By Tamara Pearson, Merida
September 30, 2010 – Venezuelanalysis.com via Green Left Weekly – As a coup attempt takes place in Ecuador, Venezuela and regional organisations of Latin America have come out in solidarity with Ecuador, and Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez called on the people and military of Ecuador to defend President Rafael Correa and their country’s democracy.
Ecuador is a close ally of Venezuela, and a fellow member of the progressive Bolivarian Alliance of the People of Our America (ALBA).
Early this afternoon the Venezuela's foreign ministry released an official statement condemning the coup attempt and expressing its solidarity with President Rafael Correa and the Ecuadoran people.
The statement said, “A few minutes ago President Hugo Chavez Frias talked with President Rafael Correa, who is being held in the National Police hospital in Quito. President Correa confirmed that what is taking place is a coup attempt, given the insubordination by a section of the National Police towards the authorities and the law.
“Commander Hugo Chavez expressed his support for the constitutional president of our sister, the Republic of Ecuador, and condemned, in the name of the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian Alliance of the People of Our America (ALBA), this attack against the constitution and the people of Ecuador.
“The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its confidence that President Rafael Correa and the Ecuadoran people will overturn this coup attempt and, together with the people of Latin America and the Caribbean, we will be alert and accompanying them with solidarity in this historic moment.”
Correa: 'I'm not going to give up'
Later this afternoon, Chavez talked on the telephone with Telesur, commenting on the coup attempt as he prepared to travel to Argentina to meet with other presidents of UNASUR and discuss the situation in Ecuador.
“According to what our ambassador [in Ecuador] has reported, the airports have been taken. It’s an operation that has been prepared. They are the forces of... the extreme right”, he said.
“The president [of Ecuador] is alone [in the hospital] with just an assistant and a few security members. Our ambassador Navas Tortolero tried to enter the hospital but they impeded him. There is a lot of police violence and its clear they received instructions from above.”
Correa “told me, ‘I’m ready to die, I’m not going to give up’”, Chavez said. Chavez argued that a peaceful march needs to support the president, and the military needs to guarantee the peace. “Only Ecuadorians can neutralise the coup attempt... and can save democracy in Venezuela,” he said.
“Correa is a man of great dignity, we’ve seen him confront this situation despite his physical condition, his knee [which was operated on recently]... I have faith in President Correa, who has already suffered attacks from outside Ecuador in the sad case of Colombia’s incursion... he knows how to respond and how to plant peace in Ecuador”, Chavez said.
Chavez also commented that it was “strange that the military hasn’t appeared... their president is kidnapped... they aren’t letting him out, hopefully there’ll be a reaction... I’ve talked with Venezuelan military in Ecuador who tell me that the military there are in their barracks but they aren’t active... the situation is very very bad.”
Chavez called on the Ecuadoran military to “not allow them to massacre the Ecuadorian people” and to “rescue President Correa”.
“It’s a coup attempt against ALBA... the countries who have raised the banner of democracy... the [coup] masters... we know where they are, they are in Washington,” he concluded.
Already, Venezuelans are mobilising outside the Ecuadorian embassy in Caracas.
Regional response
The Organization of American States (OAS) is holding an emergency meeting and ALBA and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) are making arrangements to hold emergency meetings.
However, Chavez commented on Telesur that the OAS is “impotent” in the face of such situations. “Beyond chest beating”, nothing will come out of it, he argued, sighting the case of Honduras.
To date in the OAS meeting, all government representatives who have spoken, including those from the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Chile and Paraguay, have said they reject the coup attempt.
Cuba, the European Union, the general secretary of the United Nations, Mexico, France and Bolivia also declared their support for the democratically elected Ecuadoran government.
The US ambassador to the OAS, Carmen Lomellin, stated, “We condemn any attempt to violate or alter the constitutional process and constitutional order in Ecuador.”
ALBA has also released a formal statement, manifesting “solidarity with the legitimate government of President Rafael Correa and with the sovereign people of Ecuador”.
Nestor Kirchner, general secretary of UNASUR, expressed his total support for and “absolute solidarity” with the Ecuadorian government.
Events in Ecuador
This morning police forces in Quito, Ecuador, took over strategic sites, including an airbase, airports and parliament. President Correa immediately went to the military base to work out a solution. Police claimed they were protesting a law passed on September 29 that allegedly would reduce their work benefits.
Correa argued that his government had doubled police wages and that rather the law just restructured the benefits.
He also denounced that ex-president Lucio Gutierrez, who, following large protests, was removed from office by a vote of the Ecuadorian congress in 2005, was behind the protest and using it to justify a coup.
Police attacked Correa with tear gas and the president was hospitalised shortly after in a military hospital, which coup forces subsequently surrounded. Since then he has not been able to leave.
Supporters have gathered around the presidential palace, and the Ecuadoran government has declared a state of emergency.
In a nationally televised press conference, Ecuador’s top military officials declared their support for the constitutional order of Ecuador. The top commander, General Ernesto González, demanded the police cease their subversive activities. However, the military has yet to intervene to end the police’s occupations, and only Ecuadoran civilians have taken to the streets to confront the police.
The coup attempt is not the first against an ALBA country, countries which challenge US domination in Latin America. In June 2009, Honduras, an ALBA member at the time, was subject to a coup d’état that forced its president Manuel Zelaya from power. In 2004, a coup similar to the one in Honduras was carried out in Haiti with US backing. In 2002 Venezuela was also subject to a coup, but a huge mobilisation by Venezuelans combined with military support for Chavez, defeated the coup.
U.S. intelligence penetrated the Ecuadorian police
Confirmed report: U.S. intelligence has penetrated the Ecuadorian police
Google translation.
The uprising by elements of the Ecuadorian police coup against President Rafael Correa confirms an alarming report on the infiltration of the Ecuadorian police and U.S. intelligence services released in 2008, which was identified as many members of police forces developed a "dependency" to the U.S. Embassy.
The report stated that police units "maintain an informal economic dependence on the United States for the payment of informants, training, equipment and operations."
The systematic use of techniques of corruption on the part of the CIA to acquire the "good will" of police officers was described and reported on numerous occasions by former CIA agent Philip Agee who, before leaving the ranks of the agency, was assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Quito.
In his official report, released in late October 2008, Ecuador's Defense Minister Javier Ponce, revealed as U.S. diplomats were involved in corrupting the police and officers from the Armed Forces.
Confirming the incident, the headquarters of the Ecuadorian Police then announced that penalize agents who worked with the U.S. while the U.S. Embassy proclaimed the "transparency" of its support to Ecuador.
"We work with the government of Ecuador, with the military, the police, for purposes very important for safety," said U.S. Ambassador to Quito, Heather Hodges.
However, the diplomat told reporters she would not comment "on intelligence matters."
The aggregate of the press, for its part, Marta Youth, flatly refused to refer to the complaints of the Ecuadorian government, including CIA involvement in a deal with Colombia that led to the Colombian military attack against the FARC in Ecuadorian territory on 1 March of that year.
The Army's intelligence chief, Mario Pazmino, had been dismissed for withholding information related to the attack on the FARC.
In recent months, U.S. officials appeared in Ecuador, under the pretext of deepening relations between Ecuador and the U.S.. Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Department of State Arturo Valenzuela, visited and re-visited President Correa, given to a visit by Chancellor Hillary Clinton.
Valenzuela was accompanied by Tedd Stern, "special representative for climate change" is also known for his affinity with the CIA.
From: Jean-Guy Allard
To: Subject: Informe confirmado: inteligencia USA penetró a fondo la policía ecuatoriana Date: Sep 30, 2010 3:39 PM Informe confirmado: inteligencia USA penetró a fondo la policía ecuatoriana
El sublevamiento de elementos golpistas de la policía ecuatoriana en contra el Presidente Rafael Correa confirma un informe alarmante sobre la infiltración de la policía ecuatoriana por los servicios de inteligencia norteamericanos difundido en el 2008, en el cual se señalaba como muchos miembros de los cuerpos policíacos desarrollaban una “dependencia? hacia la Embajada de Estados Unidos.
El informe precisaba que unidades de la Policía "mantienen una dependencia económica informal con Estados Unidos, para el pago de informantes, capacitación, equipamiento y operaciones".
El uso sistemático de técnicas de corrupción de parte de la CIA para adquirirse la ? buena voluntad? de oficiales de policía fue descrito y denunciado en numerosas oportunidades por el ex agente de la CIA Philip Agee quién, antes de abandonar las filas de la agencia, estuvo asignado a la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Quito.
En su informe oficial, difundido a finales de octubre 2008, el ministro ecuatoriano de Defensa, Javier Ponce, reveló como diplomáticos norteamericanos se dedicaban a corromper a la policía y también a oficiales de la Fuerzas Armadas.
Confirmando el hecho, la jefatura de la Policía ecuatoriana anunció entonces que sancionaría a sus agentes que colaboraban con Estados Unidos mientras la Embajada estadounidense proclamaba la “transparencia? de su apoyo a Ecuador.
"Nosotros trabajamos con el gobierno de Ecuador, con los militares, con la Policía, para fines muy importantes para la seguridad", declaró la embajadora estadounidense en Quito, Heather Hodges.
Sin embargo, la diplomática dijo a periodistas que no haría comentarios "sobre temas de inteligencia".
La agregada de prensa, por su parte, Marta Youth, se nego rotundamente a referirse a las denuncias del gobierno ecuatoriano, que incluían la participación de la CIA en una operación con Colombia que derivó en el ataque militar colombiano contra la guerrilla de las FARC en territorio ecuatoriano del 1 de marzo de aquel año.
El jefe de Inteligencia del Ejército, Mario Pazmiño, había sido destituido por ocultar información relacionada con el ataque contra las FARC.
En los últimos meses, funcionarios norteamericanos se aparecieron en Ecuador, bajo pretexto de profundizar las relaciones entre Ecuador y EEUU. El secretario adjunto para el hemisferio occidental del Departamento de Estado Arturo Valenzuela, visitó y re-visitó al presidente Correa, en vista a una visita de la canciller Hillary Clinton.
Valenzuela se hizo acompañar por Tedd Stern, “delegado especial para los cambios climáticos? también conocido por su afinidad con la CIA.
Condemnation against attempt on the life of Rafael Correa
We, from the Latin American Friendship Association, Chennai, India, condemn the attempt on the life of President Rafael Correa of Equador. This is not the first time that the U.S. orchestrated stooges carry out the job assigned to them for the crumbs thrown at them. The world has not forgotten the cowardly events that led to the assasination of Socialist President Salvador Allende in Chile; nor have we forgotten the numerous attepts on the life of Fidel Castro of Cuba in the past, and those on the life of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela in recent years. Earlier, the 'mistake' of Fidel was that he came to power by a revolution. But successive attempts on the lives of Popular Presidents who were voted to power demonstrate that the U.S. does not tolerate anybody who does not dance ot the tunes of the power centre in the U.S. The day is not far off when the U.S. would face opposition of its own people for spending enormous money constantly on plots of assassinations in Latin American countries, while cutting off all welfare expenditure for its own citizens. Amarantha.
Indigenous groups respond to attempted coup d'etat in Ecuador
We call for unity among social organizations for a plurinational peoples' democracy
This is an unofficial translation of a statement posted to CONAIE's website on September 30, 2010..
A process of change, as weak as it may be, runs the risk of being overturned or overtaken by the right, old or new, if it does not establish alliances with organized social and popular sectors, and deepen progressively.
The insubordination of the police, beyond their immediate demands, lays bare at least four substantial things:
1. While the government has dedicated itself exclusively to attacking and delegitimizing organized sectors like the Indigenous movement, workers' unions, etc., it hasn't weakened in the least the structures of power of the right, or those within the state apparatus, which has become evident through the rapidity of the response from the public forces.
2. The social crisis that was let loose today was also provoked by the authoritarian character and the non-opening to dialogue in the lawmaking process. We have seen how laws that were consensed around were vetoed by the President of the Republic, closing any possibility of agreement.
3. Faced with the criticism and mobilization of communities against transnational mining, oil, and agro-industrial companies, the government, instead of creating a dialogue, responds with violence and repression, as occurred in Zamora Chinchipe.
4. This scenario nurtures the conservative sectors. Already various sectors and people from the old right are asking for the overthrow of the government and the instalation of a civil or military dictatorship; but the new right, from inside and outside the government, will use this context to justify their total alliance with the most reactionary sectors and with emerging business interests.
The Ecuadorian Indigenous movement, CONAIE, with its regional Confederations and its grassroots organizations states before Ecuadorian society and the international community their rejection to the economic and social policies of the government, and with the same energy we reject the actions of the right that in an undercover way form part of the attempted coup d'?tat, and to the contrary we will continue to struggle for the construction of a Plurinational State with a true democracy.
Consistent with the mandate of the communities, peoples and nationalities and faithful to our history of struggle and resistance against colonialism, discrimination and exploitation of those who are below, of the poor, we will defend democracy and the rights of the people: no concessions for the right.
In these critical moments, our position is:
1. We convene our bases to maintain themselves alert and ready to mobilize in defense of true Plurinational democracy and against the actions of the right.
2. We deepen our mobilization against the extractive model and the imposition of large scale mining, the privatization and concentration of water, and the expansion of the oil frontier.
3. We convene and join together with diverse organized sectors to defend the rights of workers, affected by the arbitrariness which has driven the legislative process, recognizing that they are making legitimate demands.
4. We demand that the national government firmly depose every possible concession to the right. We demand that the government abandons its authoritarian attitude against the popular sectors, that they not criminalize social protest and the persecution of leaders: the only thing this type of politics provokes is to open spaces to the Right and create spaces of destabilization.
The best way to defend democracy is to begin a true revolution that resolves the most urgent and structural questions to the benefit of the majority. On this path is the effective construction of the Plurinational state and the immediate initiation of an agrarian revolution and a de-privatization of water.
This is our position in this context and in this historical period.
FMLN Australia condemns coup
Given the disastrous attempted coups in Ecuador against the legitimate government constitution and the integrity of President Rafael Correa, The Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, FMLN, Australia reads as follows:
1. Rejects the attempted coup that backward sectors
right are waging against the person and the government
comrade Rafael Correa in Ecuador.
2. We condemn the insubordination by some sectors of
Ecuadorian police, who are holed up in the regimental 1
Quito, lending itself to the purposes of an extreme right coup.
Reaching an abusive disrespect tear gas to
President, when he courageously sought a dialogue with the
Police demand on public service.
3. We demand unconditional respect for the physical, moral and life
President Rafael Correa, who is currently
in the Metropolitan Police Hospital, where the village is
mobilizing to rescue him.
4. We call upon the international community and the people
in Australia, to which we remain alert to the development of
events in Ecuador and express our solidarity and
We strongly condemn.
5. We sympathize with the people and government of Ecuador, with
President Correa and his cabinet, which is the product of a revolution
democratic citizenship.
Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front
September 30, 2010.
Solidarity statement by Socialist Alliance
The Socialist Alliance congratulates the people of Ecuador for defeating the attempted coup against the government of President Rafael Correa on September 30. As President Correa has explained, this attack on democracy in Ecuador was led by a right-wing opposition intent on destabilising and overthrowing a government that is implementing progressive reforms, including to join the Bolivarian Alliance of the People of Our America (ALBA) and to refuse to allow the United States to continue to use the Manta military base in Ecuador.
This is not the first coup against an ALBA-member country. In June 2009, Honduras was subject to a coup that forced its president, Manuel Zelaya, from power. In 2004, a coup was carried out in Haiti with United States backing. In 2002, Venezuela was also subject to a coup, but a huge mobilisation by Venezuelans, combined with military support for Chavez, defeated that attack.
We recognise that US-backed, right-wing efforts to undermine and overturn the will of the majority of people in Ecuador will likely continue, and offer our active solidarity to help ensure that, through mobilising international pressure, no such attempt can ever succeed.”
(Adopted unanimously on October 1, 2010 by Socialist Alliance National Executive)
Mexico PRT: Stop the coup attempt in Ecuador against Correa
IV Online magazine : IV429 - October 2010
Stop the coup attempt in Ecuador against the Correa government
Throughout the day on September 30th there have been a series of serious events in Ecuador that clearly indicate an attempted coup to overthrow the government of Correa through violent action by elements of the police force, who detained Correa himself for several hours, until he was freed by the military.
So far, the coup leaders have not achieved their objective. While appearing as a police protest against government decisions, the dynamics of that protest – in which Correa himself was wounded and detained – are the dynamics of a coup. The response of many social organizations, unions, political groups, feminists, peasants and indigenous people in Ecuador – even though some of them put their criticisms of the government first, have been echoed around the world and many voices have been raised in protest against this coup attempt that seeks to seize the moment of confusion to advance the right-wing offensive sponsored by imperialism and remove one of the progressive governments of Latin America.
In Mexico various organizations immediately called for demonstrations of support and solidarity. Today and tomorrow, in front of the Ecuadorean embassy in Mexico City, there have been called, especially by the MMSC, protest vigils against the attempted coup.
For our party, the PRT, it is clear that this coup attempt coincides with the imperialist strategy that seeks to curb the social struggles which have developed in recent years in Ecuador and Latin America and have led to significant gains, even in the midst of the contradictions of this process and the justified criticisms that may exist among the population. In spite of these criticisms from the popular movement of the limitations or inconsistencies of the Correa government, it is clear that a coup by the police, and possibly by the military, it will not favour the people’s interests, but on the contrary will seek not only to overthrow Correa but also to sweep aside the conquests and rights of the people. That is why we must oppose this coup attempt by the police.
In this right-wing, reactionary and profoundly undemocratic action, the role of imperialism and the forces of the bourgeoisie and the oligarchy has undoubtedly been present, as it was before in Honduras, and just as it threatened the processes in Bolivia from a racist stance, and in Venezuela with the use of all the media apparatus, but without achieving their objective.
Our support for the Ecuadorean people at this time means first denouncing the coup attempt. There will be time later to discuss the best alternatives. But little progress can be achieved if we allow the bayonets again to silence the liberties of a people such as that of Ecuador. There are many examples in history that have shown us how the installation of the worst military dictatorships in Latin America has begun with military coups aimed at smothering the people’s aspirations to freedom and justice.
We call on all to join the demonstrations of protest against this attempted coup d’etat in Ecuador, with all the strength that we the peoples of the world can muster.
Mexico, D. F. on September 30, 2010.
International Committee of the Workers Revolutionary Party (PRT)
Mexican Section of the Fourth International
CADTM rejoices at the failure of the attempted coup in Ecuador
October 2, 2010 -- CADTM rejoiced at the failure of the attempted coup in Ecuador and supports popular mobilisation to stand up for social and democratic advances.
On Thursday 30 September an attempted coup failed in Ecuador. A significant portion of the national police sequestered president Rafael Correa after he urged policemen to accept the law on public services which had been adopted at its first reading by the national assembly on 29 September 2010. The aim of this law is to end certain financial benefits enjoyed by police and armed forces. A sector of the armed forces, including air force personnel, together with police, took control of the country’s main airports for about twelve hours.
Former president Lucio Guttierez, who stood down in 2005 in the wake of public protests, and speaking from Brasilia, declared his support for the coup and demanded an end to Rafael Correa’s mandate. A group of opponents to Rafael Correa, among whom undercover policemen and Pablo Guerrero, Lucio Guttierez’ lawyer and an active member in his party, forced their way into the public radio and television buildings in the afternoon of Thursday 30 September. The situation was confused at police headquarters. Rafael Correa was sequestered for some twelve hours in the police hospital.
While the armed forces high command claimed that it supported its president it delayed restoring constitutional order through Rafael Correa’s release. It probably conditioned its support on concessions to the military’s demands. CONAIE, i.e. the main organisation of indigenous peoples in Ecuador, denounced the coup while maintaining its objections to governmental policies. Eventually around 9.30 p.m. on 30 September, the army faced the rebel police forces and liberated the president. It looks as though this prevented a tragic outcome to the mutiny, which might have led to a fullblown coup. Even so, the situation is volatile and vigilance is the order of the day. After the victorious military coup in Honduras in 2009, which benefited from the support of Washington and its allies in the area, there is a clear risk of other coups being attempted. Right-wing parties in Paraguay openly consider the possibility.
Along with many other bodies and associations CADTM insists that President Rafael Correa is a democratic president. He was elected to office twice (in 2006 and 2010) in democratic presidential elections. Since the beginning of his mandate, his government has implemented a series of positive measures: a democratic process of political reform which led to a new constitution for the country in 2008; a newly affirmed declaration of independence resulting in an end to the US army’s occupation of the Manta base; an audit of the public debt (in which CADTM actively collaborated) which led to suspension of repayments, which in turn enabled the volume of debt to be significantly reduced; an increase in social spending; the promotion of Latin-American integration; an environmental initiative to end oil drilling in the Amazonian rain forest on the Yasuni reservation; the creation of public service television and radio in a country where the mass media was until then entirely controlled by big private corporations, and more specifically by the country’s private banks. These advances have been enabled through strong popular mobilization over the last 15 years. Though these advances may be modest and certainly insufficient in scope, the various democratic changes brought about since Rafael Correa’s election at the end of 2006 have engendered fierce opposition from the conservative sectors who are accustomed to use government as a medium for defending their interests.
As the attempted coup d’état progressed, citizens and organizations massed in Ecuador on Thursday 30 to demand the release of Rafael Correa. Once he was free again he addressed part of his partisans on the public square in front of the presidential palace.
While CADTM has never failed to take a critical stand on Rafael Correa’s government when it considered its actions contrary to the ongoing process of emancipation, it firmly denounces the attempted coup of 30 September. Constitutional order must be respected, democracy must be reaffirmed, and Rafael Correa must enjoy full freedom to pursue his mandate. CADTM calls for international support of the popular movement to defend democracy. The democratic process currently underway in Ecuador must be achieved through thorough-going economic and social reforms.
Translated by Judith Harris and Christine Pagnoulle
Contact : Eric Toussaint, president of CADTM Belgium, eric.toussaint4@gmail.com
Damien Millet, spokesman for CADTM France, damien.millet@cadtm.org
Jérôme Duval, Patas Arriba – CADTM Spain djino68@gmail.com
Daniel Munevar and William Gaviria, CADTM Abya Yala Nuestra America, Colombia, danielmunevar@cadtm.org and wgocampo@gmail.com
Enith Flores, CADTM Ecuador, enithlisa@yahoo.es
Statement by the Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs on the Coup d’ état Attempt in Ecuador. Havana, September 30th, 2010, 3:00PM.
Following instructions from the President of the Councils of State and of Ministers I will make the following statement:
· The government of the Republic of Cuba condemns and expresses its strongest rejection to the Coup d’ état that is taking place in Ecuador. President Correa has denounced that there is a Coup d’ état taking place, that he has been attacked and is being retained by force at the Police Metropolitan Hospital in Quito.
· Cuba hopes that the leadership of the Ecuadorian Armed Forces honor their obligation to respect and enforce the Constitution, to guarantee the inviolability of the lawfully elected President of the Republic and ensure the State of Law.
· We make the head of the Armed Forces from Ecuador responsible for the physical integrity and the life of President Correa. His complete freedom of movement and the exercise of his duties must be guaranteed.
· We strongly reject the statements attributed to the so called Sociedad Patriótica (Patriotic Society) of Lucio Gutiérrez, proclaiming intentions openly in favor of the coup.
· Cuba offers its most absolute and full support to the legit and constitutional government of President Rafael Correa and backs the Ecuadorian people that is mobilizing to rescue their President.
· Cuba joins the statements by Latin-American Presidents and international organizations demanding that the coup attempt be stopped.
· I call upon the US government to make a statement against the coup d’ état. Its spokesperson has only stated that “he is following the situation closely”. An omission in this regard would make him an accomplice of the coup attempt.
· Facts such as this, serve only to the interests from outside our region that pretend to prevent the advance of independent and transforming processes.
· This is also an attempt to silence the voice of Ecuador and of its President in his confronting the US interventionist policy in the region.
· Destabilizing attempts such as these seek only to bring back from the past the times when coup d’ état used to take place, now through other methods, to restore the imperialist domination and the oligarchies.
· Cuba warned, on the occasion of the coup d’ état organized in Honduras with the participation of power sectors from the United States, and after with the situation of impunity accorded to those who staged the coup, that with these serious facts a new era of coup d’ état and military dictatorships in Latin America had been reopened.
In defense of Ecuador
The Net “In Defense of Humanity” calls upon international public opinion to strongly condemn the coup d´état in Ecuador and urge all men and women defenders of peace, justice and legality to denounce this violation of the sovereignty and constitutional order in this country.
The US government is looking like an accomplice. So we most denounce those who want to stop democratic and revolutionary changes in our Continent, as they did already in Honduras, using all means including the most violent.
Urgently we call you all to show support for President Rafael Correa, genuinely and democratically elected, supported by peoples will in five successive occasions. We demand the preservation of his physical integrity. All peoples must mobilize to unanimously condemn such a heinous action, conducted by the most extremist reactionaries and rightists, with the complicity of imperialism.
Down with the Coup.