The Latin American left amid China, the United States, late progressivism and the far right
Eric Toussaint — Claudio Katz's new book, Latin America at the Global Crossroads, concentrates on the continent’s relations with China and with US imperialism.
Venezuela’s presidential elections: Attempted coup or fraud? An interview with Reinaldo Iturriza
Reinaldo Iturriza looks at the competing — and inadequate — narratives surrounding Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election.
On the eve of the elections, South Africans deserve better — and it exists
Shawn Hattingh — The people of South Africa deserve better and, in some places in the world, we can see glimpses of a better system being built by people themselves, without handing power to politicians.
Lucio Cabañas y la guerra de los pobres.
Silva Nogales, Jacobo. 2015.
AMLO and Mexico’s watershed election
By Richard Roman and Edur Velasco Arregui
July 1, 2018 —&
México: La izquierda debata las elecciones presidenciales
Originally published in English on Links International
Mexico: Left debates upcoming presidential elections
By Nevin Siders
October 14, 2017 —