
The meaning of Trumpism for Mexico and the world
Manuel Aguilar Mora — Trump proclaimed that his MAGA movement was the beginning of a new US. But where is this new US going?

Applying/misapplying Gramsci’s passive revolution to Latin America
Steve Ellner — A distinction needs to be made between critical support for the Pink Tide and the passive revolution analysis that gets translated into frontal opposition to those governments.

The Latin American left amid China, the United States, late progressivism and the far right
Eric Toussaint — Claudio Katz's new book, Latin America at the Global Crossroads, concentrates on the continent’s relations with China and with US imperialism.

Venezuela’s presidential elections: Attempted coup or fraud? An interview with Reinaldo Iturriza
Reinaldo Iturriza looks at the competing — and inadequate — narratives surrounding Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election.

On the eve of the elections, South Africans deserve better — and it exists
Shawn Hattingh — The people of South Africa deserve better and, in some places in the world, we can see glimpses of a better system being built by people themselves, without handing power to politicians.

Lucio Cabañas y la guerra de los pobres.
Silva Nogales, Jacobo. 2015.
AMLO and Mexico’s watershed election

México: La izquierda debata las elecciones presidenciales

Originally published in English on Links International
Mexico: Left debates upcoming presidential elections