Britain: Politics in crisis — prospects for the hard right and militant left
Phil Hearse examines the rapidly shifting political landscape that the increasing likelihood of a Starmer-led government is bringing about.
Boris Kagarlitsky: The Hobbesian world of ‘multipolarity’
Boris Kagarlitsky discusses the need for an alternative to the individualist logic of modern liberalism and the totalitarian aggressiveness of the new conservatism.
Socialist Alliance (Australia): End the hypocrisy on Iran; stop Israel’s war on Palestine
Socialist Alliance condemns Israel and its Western allies, including Australia, for their role in escalating conflict in the Middle East.
Speaking out for Palestine is not a crime!
Leila Khaled, Michael Pröbsting and Nancy Fraser, all of whom have been recently interviewed by LINKS, are facing repression due to their support for Palestine.
The persistence of global capitalism’s Long Depression: An interview with Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts looks at the state of the US and world economy, the reasons for what he calls the Long Depression, and how it is driving political polarization and imperial rivalries.
Sudan: More than a domestic conflict
Saskia Jaschek — It is impossible to understand the war in Sudan without accounting for the regional and international interests involved.
Gilbert Achcar — There is little doubt that Israel will respond to Iran’s launch of three hundred and twenty drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles on its territory with a major attack on Iran, and this for several reasons.
Global crisis, conflict and war: What internationalism for the 21st century?
Pierre Rousset provides an overview of the unfolding “polycrisis” the world is immersed in.
Dale T McKinley — We need to speak out and mobilising against injustice, oppression and exploitation wherever they occur.