Middle East

Standing Together protest

The anti-war left makes inroads in Israel: An interview with Standing Together’s Uri Weltmann

Uri Weltmann discusses the growing peace movement inside Israel and how activists are confronting far-right extremists seeking to disrupt humanitarian aid going to the Gaza Strip.
Biden Xi

We live in a world of growing imperialist rivalries

Ilya Matveev — Vast shifts in the world economy are driving a new imperialist rivalry, for which a series of regional wars are creating dangerous flash points.
Palestine BDS supporting students

Palestinian BDS National Committee: Supporting the student-led solidarity mobilizations in their demands for boycott and divestment and against repression

Palestinians in Palestine and in exile are deeply grateful to the thousands of students who are building an unprecedented mass movement on US, European, Latin American, Australian and other campuses in solidarity with Palestinian liberation.

Ukrainians and Palestinians are fighting occupation

Terrell Starr speaks with Rita Adel and Vladyslav Starodubtsev about why they feel it is important for Ukrainians to understand colonialism in other parts of the world.
Marx et al

From the genocide in Palestine and Ukraine to the fascist threat: Working toward a revolutionary, Marxist-Humanist response

Today’s global capitalism is sinking into unimaginable levels of barbarism. Nowhere is this barbarism more glaring than in Israel’s genocide in Gaza
United States: Political repression backfires as pro-Palestinian campus protests grow

United States: Political repression backfires as pro-Palestinian campus protests grow (plus: Open letter from US Students for Justice in Palestine to universities)

Sharon Smith — There is nothing like a war to expose the brutality of imperialism, and a massive anti-imperialist movement has returned to U.S. campuses, after decades of absence.
Israel Iran

The Iran-Israel shadow war and its role in the broader Mideast conflict

Argiris Malapanis & Geoff Mirelowitz — Recent developments in the shadow war between Israel and Iran have shed light on Tehran’s “support” for the Palestinian liberation struggle.
iran missile

The Middle East on a knife-edge: The US, Israel, Iran, and Palestine

Joseph Daher — This is the most significant conflict between Israel and Iran to date, and one that sets a precedent for even greater hostilities in the future.
Gaza destruction

Palestine’s fate in light of the onslaught on Gaza

Gilbert Achcar — The best “solution” that could result from the Zionist ongoing genocidal war is worse than what existed before it, and certainly worse than what appeared on the horizon following the Oslo deal.
Ukraine Palestine interview

‘I stand on the side of the oppressed, whoever they are’: Interview with Palestinian-Ukrainian activist Adib Shaheen

Adib Shaheen explains how the struggle for a just future and the support of peoples resisting aggression and repression are the same struggle.
Palestinian solidarity protesters during a large-scale demonstration in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 23, 2023. Photograph by André Chung for Hammer & Hope.

The new movement for Palestine

Hadas Thier — Global outrage over Israel’s attacks on Gaza has produced a broad-based mass movement never before witnessed on the question of Palestine.
Iran Israel bomb

The postponed Israeli attack on Iran

Gilbert Achcar — Israel will complete its genocidal war against Gaza for six before directing its military efforts against Iran and Hezbollah.