More than just an electoral upwind? Nordic left-wing parties after the EU elections
Record results for (Centre-)Left parties in the Nordic countries, with far-right parties losing ground. Ada Regelmann gives a sober assessment of the European elections results in Denmark, Finland and Sweden.
Sweden’s Left Party celebrates its biggest win in 20 year
John Hörnquist — After winning over 11 percent of the vote in June’s European Parliament elections, the Swedish Left Party Vänsterpartiet is celebrating its best election results in twenty years.
Green class struggle: Workers and the Just Transition
Gareth Dale — A resilient history of workers’ initiatives overcoming redundancies, alongside recent activist, trade-union and workforce collaborations, provide concrete examples for empowered just transitions.
Sri Lanka: The conjuncture in the crisis
Balasingham Skanthakumar looks at the conjuncture in Sri Lanka, two years after the citizens’ movement and in the run-up to the presidential election later this year.
Mariana Riscali — In confronting the far right, unity among all who oppose the far right and defend democracy is essential. At the same time, we must maintain our political independence and remain true to our program.
From a Russian prison, Boris Kagarlitsky puts forward his views on the rise of the far right and reasons for the left's crisis.
The Global Anti-Apartheid Conference program of action encourages the establishment of activist, grassroots structures in every country to stop the genocide in Gaza.
US empire, global capitalism and the ‘internationalisation’ of states: An interview with Sam Gindin
Sam Gindin discusses the rise of the US empire, its role in creating a truly global capitalism and the challenges it faces today.
Western imperialism’s ideological crisis
Michael Pröbsting — There are glaring and growing contradictions between the official ideological justifications and actual foreign policies of Western imperialism.
The ‘multipolar world’: A euphemism to support multiple imperialisms
Frederick Thon Ángeles, Manuel Rodríguez Banchs and Jorge Lefevre Tavárez put forward 18 ideas about the new world order, the dangers of rising inter-imperial conflict, and the need to build an independent pole anchored in the international working class.
West African coups: Just changing masters
Paul Martial — Mali, then Burkina Faso, and finally Niger have experienced coups d’état. Some see the coup leaders as new heralds of Africa’s liberation. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different.
Kenya: Everything must fall, everything must change
Njuki Githethwa writes that the current regime in Kenya has been struck a devastating blow by the uprising of youth. But success will depend on how well placed social forces and revolutionary organisations are to extend this uprising.