As Syria’s map takes on new colours, Sarah Glynn looks at an extraordinary week of events and at the aims of the different actors, especially focussing on the evolution and nature of Hayʼat Tahrir al-Sham.

Age of ‘Empire’ or age of imperialism? A reply to Claudio Katz
Michael Pröbsting — Contrary to Claudio Katz’s claims that world capitalism is domination of a single US-led “Empire”, it continues to be characterised by inter-imperialist rivalry.

European Network for Solidarity with Ukraine: On arming Ukraine and the struggle against militarism
To support Ukraine without setting off a wave of militarism, chauvinism and war profiteering, European Network for Solidarity with Ukraine sees its solidarity with the Ukrainian people in an antimilitarist perspective opposed to the rearmament of the imperialist powers.

Ireland’s brittle opposition: Sinn Féin’s governmental ambitions fizzle out
Daniel Finn — The background of demobilization helps explain why support for Sinn Féin proved to be so brittle over the past year.

South Korea: After President Yoon’s failed self-coup
Won Youngsu — With impeachment of South Korean President Yoon seemingly blocked after his failed self-coup, it now up to the people to step in where politicians have failed.

Paul Iddon writes that with thousands having fled the rebel offensive in Aleppo, Syrian Kurds fear for their future. Plus statements from the Syrian Democratic Forces, Syrian Democratic Council, Women’s Protection Units, Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union and Kurdistan National Congress.

Gilbert Achcar writes that after having remained relatively static for a few years, Syria has turned anew into a theatre of war. But while the future is murky at best, Leila al-Shami says Syrians can hope again.

Ashley Smith explores the practical implications of the rise of China for socialists and activists fighting for a better and more just world today.

Yuriy Samoilov provides a left-wing and trade union perspective on the Russia-Ukraine war.

Vitaliy Dudyn discusses trends in labour relations before and after the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and in the context of European integration.

Commemorating November 29, 1943: The founding of a new Yugoslavia
Dmitry Pozhidaev — On November 29, 1943, amid the turmoil of World War II, the Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia (AVNOJ) proclaimed the foundation of a new Yugoslavia that envisioned a radically different future.

Partido Lakas ng Masa (The Philippines): On the escalating feud between the Marcos and Duterte clans
Partido Lakas ng Masa — The feud between the two ruling dynasties in the country intensifies almost daily.